Friday, November 11, 2005

Look at that blue sky!

trapeze artist
Originally uploaded by rosailither.
We met up with more Devonians in Los Cristianos, this is John Knight from Tool Care Hire practising for his new job as a trapeze artist!
The sun is still shining here, we are beginning to take it for granted that the weather will be dry enough to work on deck. We took the bus to the north side of the island and were amazed at the difference in climate. Where the south is hot, dry and barren, the north is cool, cloudy and green. The hillsides are full of banana plantations, which we were surprised to see grow upside down.
We have also been catching up with odd jobs on board and are currently investigating the possibility of making a square sail for the Atlantic crossing. This should be easier to handle than our current main sail, and safer - it would eliminate the risk of an accidental gybe.


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