Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tea with the Queen

Dave & Rita
Originally uploaded by rosailither.
As many of you already know, we have just had a 2-week trip back to the UK, set in motion by an invitation to a Buckingham Palace garden party, which we presume is the result of Dave’s actions during the tsunami.
From Islesboro, it was a short ferry ride to the mainland and a 5-hour bus journey to Boston followed by a 6 ½ hour flight to Heathrow the next day. We were amazed to arrive to hot and sunny weather and especially so when it lasted for the whole two weeks!
We spent the first long weekend in Devon catching up with friends and family (great to see you all!) then caught the train to London where Dave and his Mum attended the Queen’s garden party. They walked through the palace and into the gardens, strolling down the big lawn to a large marquee where food was served. As well as the expected cucumber sandwiches, there was tea, coffee and a selection of dainty cakes, some decorated with a chocolate crown on the top.
They were both dressed in their finest and suffered in the sweltering heat along with the other guests (apparently 20-odd people collapsed with the heat!). Dave and Rita went for a walk around the large pond to cool down and just made it back in time to see the Queen strolling through the crowds. They made their exit before the main crowds dispersed and were soon back on a train out of London, the long-awaited excitement all over.
Our last weekend was spent with Hazel’s family in Nottingham and Berkshire and before we knew it, we were back on a plane to the other side of the Atlantic.
We came back to find our boat had gone for a little sail on its own when hit by a thunderstorm cell generating 91mph gusts of wind. Luckily our friends were there to move the boat back to safety. Ros Ailither suffered minor scratches but several trees on the island were blown down and power lines were out for several days. Apparently this is not the norm for this time of year…


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