Thursday, August 04, 2016

Katie's blOg - FISH!

On this trip we have seen lots and lots of fishing boats, in fact if we go out to sea there are even sometimes more fishing boats than normal yachts,

Some big,

Some small.

Nearly every day we see at least twenty two fishing boats near the coast, so imagine how many fish they are catching every minute??? Some have nets, some have lines, and smaller boats even have rods! Half of the fish will be chucked back in because they are too small. If everyone carries on like this there won’t be any more fish left to catch in about twelve years…

Just a little boat will be catching about 100 fish an hour.


Anonymous Helen and Mike said...

Hooray! You're home (we hope)! We'll miss your super Blogs. They've made excellent reading and it's been great to see all the photos and see what you've been doing.
We're at our beach hut now, looking forward to watching Cowes Week racing.

Keep in touch, please.
Lots of love, Helen and Mike

8:29 PM  

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